
Camp by Kayla Miller
Camp by Kayla Miller

Camp by Kayla Miller

It's beautiful to see how the girls deal with the conflict and come out as better, more mature people. I can relate to the characters so much because I'm a bit of both of them, or somewhere in between them. Willow starts clinging to Olive as her only friend, and Olive struggles to be there for Willow while also doing the fun things she likes with her new friends. Olive is sporty, outgoing and gregarious, and she easily makes friends with the other campers on the other hand Willow, who's more of an introvert who likes to stay in and is quiet in social situations, avoids hanging out with the others. Olive and Willow go to summer camp together, but their different personality types create problems when they are socialising with others. Middle-grade graphic novels really get the excitement and struggles of making friends!!! And not just for kids they are stories we'd find so relevant and inspiring as adults too, because we're always meeting new people and making new friends. Worth a look if you have an elementary-aged girl in your circle. (Not that boys can't enjoy it, too!) I liked it even better than the first book, Click. It's handled in a smart way and girls will really enjoy this and be interested in it. It's very relatable, I think it's a great book illustrating some friendship problems girls can run into. Of course, this culminates in a fight mid-way through the book. She gets resentful and sulky when Olive is friendly with other kids, and she gets angry when Olive wants to participate in activities Willow is not interested in. Unfortunately, Willow wants Olive basically glued to her side at all times. She easily makes friends and has a huge variety of interests. She has allergies, is a picky eater, is a scaredy-cat, is shy, doesn't like sports, and is prone to passive-aggressive behavior. It's about two friends, Olive and Willow, who go away to summer camp together.

Camp by Kayla Miller

This is a good book for children - aimed at elementary-school-aged girls. "But Willow's happiness isn't your responsibility." pg.

Camp by Kayla Miller