Vivian knows she doesn’t need to lose weight but she still ends up crammed in a van with her ex-best friend, Allie, a meathead jock who can barely drive, and the bougie son of the camp’s owner. She’s also fat, and when her mom remarries the school’s PE teacher, Vivian finds herself shipped off to a fancy fat camp. She’s the captain of the girls’ soccer team, a championship mathlete, and the owner of an epic collection of sparkly handbags. Seventeen-year-old Vivian Ellenshaw has the perfect life. On to Kelly deVos’s successful query for her YA Thriller, EAT YOUR HEART OUT! If you’re curious about successful queries whether you’re writing Adult, YA, MG, or picture books, please be sure to tune into my Instagram on Mondays at 11 am PST/2 pm EST to check out the new queries I’ll be sharing.

It’s back! I’m revamping my Quite The Query series! Every Monday, I will be going live on Instagram to share a successful query that connected a writer with their agent! In addition, I will be posting it here so you can see the full query as well as the comps and author’s bio.